Module 26 The Root Cause of Diabetes and Corresponding Treatment

26.1 Diabetes is NOT a lifelong disease
26.2 The real root cause of diabetes
26.3 Mistake made by hospitals in diagnosing diabetes
26.4 Mistake made by hospitals in treating diabetes
26.5 Why do diabetes patients with medication or insulin eventually die of complications?
26.6 The ultimate cure for diabetes without insulin & medication
26.7 Real cases of diabetes cured without insulin & medication
26.8 Medication-free and insulin-free treatment formula for diabetes
26.2 The real root cause of diabetes
Diabetes is one of the three major causes of death of human diseases, the mortality rate is second only to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases as well as cancer.

Diabetes can be divided into type 1 and type 2.

The cause of type 1 diabetes is the disappearance of islet cells (the pancreas is composed of islet cells).
The vast majority of diabetes patients clinically belong to type 2 diabetes, so this module only discusses type 2 diabetes, hereinafter referred to as diabetes.

Modern medicine believes that normal fasting blood glucose ranges from 3.9mmol/L to 6.1mmol/L. When the fasting blood glucose concentration is ≥ 7.0 mmol/L, it is diagnosed as diabetes.
Typical symptoms of diabetes: 3 mores and 1 less (drinking more, eating more, urine more, weight loss). In severe cases, skin infection, fatigue, vision changes and other symptoms may occur.

The symptoms of diabetes often begin to be obvious after the age of 40, and half of the patients have no symptoms at the early stage, often accompanied by obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and other diseases.
Diabetes is one of the most serious metabolic disorders.
The liver is the center of carbohydrate metabolism (in fact, the liver is the three major metabolic centers of protein, fat and carbohydrate). In the intestine, starch in food is digested into glucose for absorption.
After glucose enters the human body, glycogen is synthesized in the liver and muscle. Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in the body, just like packing and compressing glucose into glycogen. See the graphic below.

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