Module 24 The Root Cause of Heart Disease (Cardiovascular Disease) and Treatment

24.1 The fundamental root cause of cardiovascular disease
24.2 The pathogenesis of angina and myocardial infarction
24.3 Why do patients with myocardial infarction still suffer from repeated attacks after being treated in hospital?
24.4 Are myocardial infarction patients relieved after stents are placed in the hospital?
24.5 The Ultimate Cure for Cardiovascular (Heart) Disease without Drugs & Surgery
24.1 The fundamental root cause of cardiovascular disease
The commonly mentioned heart disease is actually a cardiovascular disease, also known as coronary heart disease.
Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of human being among all diseases! Everyone should attach great importance to it. Even if you don’t have cardiovascular disease now, it doesn’t mean you won’t suffer from it in the future.
So, preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases correctly plays a significant role in improving your quality of life.
Below, I will analyze the true root cause of cardiovascular disease in easy-to-understand language.
The significance of blood flow lies in transporting nutrients.

Every organ in our body must have a blood supply to function properly, and the heart is no exception. In addition to supplying blood and nutrients to various organs, tissues, and cells throughout the body, the heart also needs to supply blood and nutrients to itself. So, the blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart itself is called the coronary artery.

What are the direct cause of heart disease, especially myocardial infarction?
Let’s analyze via result-to-cause way.
The answer is that there is thrombosis in the coronary artery, which means blood clot forms in coronary artery and interrupts blood flow and causes corresponding myocardial necrosis.
How does a blood clot form in the coronary artery?
Because the lipid substances adhere to the vascular wall, causing coronary atherosclerosis, resulting in narrowing of the vascular lumen.
The narrowing of the vascular lumen leads to slow blood flow. The slower the blood flow, the easier it is for blood clots to form.
Now a KEY question is:
Why do lipids adhere to the inner walls of blood vessels?
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