Module 19 The Root Cause of Hypertension and Corresponding Treatment

19.1 The root cause of hypertension
19.2 Mistake in Treating Hypertension in Hospitals
19.3 Why does cerebral hemorrhage occur while taking antihypertensive drugs?
19.4 Correct treatment direction and radical treatment method for hypertension
19.1 The root cause of hypertension

Hypertension, one of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system diseases, is a major killer of human being.
Hypertension can be divided into primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. The former is simply elevated blood pressure and has no causal relationship with other diseases. The latter is elevated blood pressure due to other diseases, such as nephritis.
People usually refer to hypertension as primary hypertension, so we only discuss primary hypertension.
Blood pressure refers to the lateral pressure exerted on the blood vessel wall when blood flows inside the vessel.
When the heart contracts, it is called systolic blood pressure, and when the heart dilates, it is called diastolic blood pressure.
The normal range of systolic blood pressure is 90-120mmHg, while the normal range of diastolic blood pressure is 60-80mmHg.
Diagnostic criteria for hypertension: systolic blood pressure higher than or equal to 140mmHg or diastolic blood pressure higher than or equal to 90mmHg.
Although medical books say that it may be related to genetics, high-salt diet, mental stress, etc., in any case, high blood pressure occurs because of problems in the vascular regulatory pathway.

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