Module 21 The Root Cause of Hyperlipidemia and Corresponding Treatment
21.1 What exactly is blood lipids? What is the relationship between fat and cholesterol?
21.2 What are the root cause of hyperlipidemia?
21.3 High blood lipids and fatty liver should be taken seriously
21.4 Don’t take lipid-lowering drugs anymore!
21.5 The Ultimate Cure for High Blood Lipids Without Drugs
21.5 The Ultimate Cure for High Blood Lipids Without Drugs
The root cause of high blood lipids is fat metabolism disorder in the liver.
WHY fat metabolism disorder in the liver?
Because liver can NOT function properly due to chronic injury
What causes liver chronic injury?
Bad lifestyle habits
Lack of raw materials for liver self-healing
Since the liver has undergone chronic injury, we need to fix it.
How to fix it?
Remove bad lifestyle habits
Provide raw materials for liver self-healing
What are the raw materials for liver self-healing?
To answer this question, we need to ask a key question:
What is the liver made from?
The answer is: the liver is made from protein, vitamins, minerals, carbonhydrates, fat, and water, which means the liver is made from nutrients.
What is used to repair the house when it is broken?
Bricks, because the house is made of bricks.
What is applied to fix a car when it is broken?
Parts, because cars are made of parts.
What is utilized to heal the liver when it is injured?
Nutrients, because the liver is made from nutrients.
So the raw materials we provide for the liver’s self-healing are nutrients.
You may wonder:
I rarely eat meat or greasy food, why do I still suffer from high blood lipids?
I don’t have bad lifestyle habits and pay attention to my diet. Why do I still suffer from fatty liver disease?
Do I need to supplement the raw materials for liver self-healing as I eat regularly and do not lack nutrients?
The answer is behind the problems!
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